Full Spectrum Interior Design Services

Inquiry Form

Welcome to the team at Parker & Harlow Inc.

First things first, we are so happy you’re here! Our services are as broad as the areas we serve, and if you’re here its because you’re looking to accomplish beautiful results in your home, nestled along one of the most stunning coastlines in the world. Our Pacific Northwest bodes endless inspiration, People flock to this area from all over the world for the lifestyle and extreme beauty our shores provide. Your home is no exception. Whether perched on a cliffside along Savary Island, nestled into a cove on a remote bay, or tucked into a metropolitan neighbourhood in one of our beautiful cities - we’re here to make the magic happen. Our teams align with your project requirements, bringing in only the best contractors, construction teams and artisans together under one roof. We support our clients to achieve a hands-off approach by becoming their sole liaison to the project, managing the process, the people, and all financial intricacies from start to finish.

Elements to keep in mind:

Along with the form below, please keep the following details in mind.

  • Reaching out is the first step. Depending on your project location, overall goals, and scheduling for both you and our team, we will work with you to achieve a start date most conducive to success across all platforms.

  • After filling in this inquiry, our team will be in contact with you to schedule a 30 min complimentary discovery call to further ensure the project is well aligned to our quality standards, process, team, and values.

  • Once a good-fit has been discerned, and the scope of work, budget, and schedule identified, we begin the onboarding process.

Full Spectrum Interior Design Inquiry Form: